Thursday, March 28, 2013

Blog 5 on National Government towards gay marriage

The Divided Prop 8I am going to critique an article on same sex marriage, written by Ruben Navarrette from CNN. I first want to start this critique by saying that I have no intentions to offend anyone over the matter, this is a completely controversial issue and I apologize for those who take offense to what is said. The writer starts out the article stating that the state of California would like a do-over, or a re-do on same sex marriage voting, referring to proposition 8. Which California voters approved. The ballot initiative defined marriage as between a man and a woman and banned same-sex marriage in California. The article next shows some statistics from a recent poll where many Californian’s have a changed attitudes towards the issue, “When it comes to same-sex marriage, many California voters want a do-over. The survey shows that 61% of California voters now approve of it, with 32% opposed.” Next the writer throws out a lame explanation on why the change of heart has taken place by saying, “Worse, supporters of the measure included a majority of Hispanic and African-American voters. They're no stranger to discrimination, and so they should know better. Maybe many of these voters of color got swept up in the same wave of fear and ignorance that swept across the rest of the state's population.” First off, blaming the averseness of the state’s decision towards same sex marriage on a particular race is Discrimination in itself, towards black’s and Hispanics. The writer is writing an article to hopefully convince readers to agree on the issue of same sex couples being allowed to marry so it doesn’t discriminate against them by discriminating against blacks and Hispanics, funny. Next, the writer describes some ads on prop 8 in California that took “full advantage of Bigotry’s old buddy—fear.” Media scare tactics have been around since the media, nothing new, if you don’t buy the right kind of toothpaste, you will get cavities or if you don’t buy a car now, you will pay more down the road, It is more hilarious that someone in the media is throwing a red flag on media scare tactics, kind of ironic. The writer says, “I now understand that we can't have a two-tiered system, where some of us enjoy the right to marry and our brothers and sisters and cousins don't, based solely on sexual orientation.” No one is saying that same sex married couples cannot get married, it is allowed in 9 states and in the District of Colombia. A similar issue would be: If I want to gamble bad enough and I live in a state where it is illegal, and the residents who live in that state look down on it and are against it, hence the reasons for it being illegal, I will go to Las Vegas or a reservation where it is not just allowed but also accepted. I am not going to try and convince every state to legalize gambling, I will move to Las Vegas, there is no reason to infringe on everyone else’s morals or attitudes towards gambling.

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